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Nikolay dyrdom1 Evdokimov

Nikolay Evdokimov is 29 years old, lives in Moscow. He was introduced to poker in 2013. He has made the choice to play ZOOM poker. Microlimits were beaten quickly and since 2015 poker is the main source of earnings. The main discipline is cash both 9 max and 6 max. Total amount played hands is more than 2.5 million. Sometimes the coach plays tournaments, where he also has good results. He travelled to Minsk to play BPT several times and did get some results there as well.
- don_kaliono
Record of a lesson - it is your duty, i recommend it to everyone.

Coaching: not available

Skype+team viewer 12.


Transfer to account at Pokerstars, rarely Skrill, no other methods!
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