Is the tool that let a poker player import the played hands on PokerDom, RuPoker, PokerMira networks to Holdem Manager and Poker Tracker and run HUD online at the tables.
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Holdem Manager and Poker Tracker does NOT import the original PokerDom, RuPoker, PokerMira hands histories on its own. Our Converter imports such hands and converts them into the new format, which is supported by Holdem Manager and Poker Tracker. So our Converter helps a player to use Holdem Manager and Poker Tracker on PokerDom, RuPoker, PokerMira in the full mode. KingsHands PokerDom, RuPoker, PokerMira Converter is a reliable software, which gives players who use it a great advantage!
No bind to nickname;
Supports PokerDom, RuPoker, PokerMira, GD4Play.